Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Scandinavian Weekend Radio, July 6

Scandinavian Weekend Radio, July 6
Virrat, Finland

All times UTC


Active on mediumwave 1602 / 24hours
0000-0100  6170  11690
0100-0200  6170  11690
0200-0300  6170  11690
0300-0400  6170  11690
0400-0500  6170  11690
0500-0600  6170  11690
0600-0700  6170  11690
0700-0800  6170  11690
0800-0900  6170  11690
0900-1000  6170  11690
1000-1100  6170  11690
1100-1200  6170  11690
1200-1300  6170  11690
1300-1400  6170  11690
1400-1500  6170  11690
1500-1600  6170  11690
1600-1700  6170  11690
1700-1800  6170  11690
1800-1900  6170  11720
1900-2000 6170   11720
2000-2100  6170  11720
2100-2200  6170  11690
2200-2300  6170  11690
2300-0000  6170  11690

Station website for additional information:

Texas Radio Shortwave to broadcast this weekend


Join us for our show featuring Texas musicians singing about Texas cities and towns. We’ll broadcast Saturday at 1900 UTC on 3995 kHz and Sunday at 1200 UTC on 9670 kHz.

North American listeners can use a European remote receiver, or SDR, to tune the show, which isn’t usually heard outside Europe.  

A favorite SDR is this one in the Netherlands:

We verify correct, detailed reception reports sent to [email protected].  This month’s QSL shows a Texas Horned Lizard.
(Terry Colgan/NASWA)

AI Is Saving Money for Transmitter Users


Houzé: Optimized power consumption generates multiple benefits


A current Radio World ebook explores the use of artificial intelligence in radio broadcasting. This is an excerpt.

In 2018 WorldCast Systems released its first technology with artificial intelligence for FM transmitters, SmartFM, to optimize RF power based on the audio content, in real time. The company says benefits include lower power costs, reduced cooling, less maintenance, longer transmitter life and a smaller carbon footprint.

David Houzé is a product manager for WorldCast.

David Houzé
Radio World: What’s the most important recent or current trend in how artificial intelligence is being used in radio and audio?

David Houzé: We are still at the beginning of artificial intelligence in radio broadcasting but the trendiest use of AI is mainly in the studio and concerns the script generation for shows, news or weather reports. 

Additional story and interview at Radio World

Focus on clandestine radio - Voice of Fano


Uploaded June 30th to YouTube by SWL, Andre from South Africa, 29 minutes 32:

Clandestine radio stations operate underground for various reasons. They often target countries with high degrees of censorship, are used by political movements or during times of conflict by opposing sides. But how do these stations operate, and why are they founded? You can find answers to these questions in this video, in my interview with a presenter and producer from Voice of Fano.

There are a number of clandestine or underground stations targeting Ethiopia, because of the ongoing conflict situation between various ethnic groups there. I caught Voice of Fano on 15215 kHz some time ago. It is a rare station, only transmits twice a week. You can watch my first video here (Introduction and recording of station May 1st, 6 minutes 46) 

I had the opportunity to interview one of the presenters and producers, who told me the story of the station, how it operates, how programming is produced, who listens to them and more. He also provided context about the current situation in Ethiopia and the conflict against the Amhara people. There is a genocide going on in Ethiopia and very few people pay any attention. This is a rare look behind the scenes of a clandestine radio station during this time of conflict.

Voice of Fano can be heard on Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 17:00 to 18:15 UTC, on 15215 kHz. It transmits from Issoudun. This station is not listed anywhere, except in the World Radio and TV Handbook. But the time in the WRTH is incorrect, the station now transmits for 75 minutes, not 30 minutes as listed in the WRTH. 
(Mike Barraclough/BDXC) 

AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act to Receive Minor Technical Update


There will be no substantive changes to the legislation


A bill in the House of Representatives that would mandate AM capability in new vehicles is about to be revised, according to a person familiar with the developments. 

New information indicates that one of the original co-sponsors of the bill, Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.), plans to introduce an amendment to the bill (H.R. 8449). Changes would only include minor technical updates. 

The planned amendment to the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act comes on the heels of last week’s last-minute cancellation of a planned vote by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which could have advanced the legislation to the full House for a vote. 

Pallone’s amendment will include “no substantive” changes to the legislation, according to the insider, and will be introduced at the next full committee markup. The amendment will clarify that the bill applies to new vehicles manufactured and sold in the United States, as well to vehicles manufactured abroad and sold in the U.S.; however, vehicles built in the U.S. but sold overseas would not be required to include AM capability. 

Additional story from Radio World:

Tiny URL

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

RNZ Pacific schedule update


New Zealand  
RNZ Pacific has updated its shortwave schedule with an extended use of 9700 kHz replacing 13690 and 11725 in the morning period from 0700-1300 UTC:

All times UTC

0000-0458 17675 Daily 0459-0658 13690 Daily
0659-1258 9700 Daily 1259-1650 7440 Daily
1651-1758 7425 DRM Sun-Fri 1651-1758 9700 Sat
1759-1858 9655 DRM Sun-Fri 1759-1958 11725 Sat
1859-2058 13840 DRM Sun-Fri 1959-2358 15720 Sat
2059-2358 15720 Sun – Fri (RNZ web site 30 June)
RNZ Pacific has started testing its new 100 kW Amplion transmitter. It was reported on 13 June with short tests on 17900 kHz.
(BDXC/July 2024)

Radio Taiwan adjusts frequency for Russian service

Radio Taiwan International QSL


The Russian service of Taiwan International Radio announced adjusting the broadcast frequency to the European part of Russia. 

"Dear listeners, Due to increased solar activity, audibility on 5900 kHz from 17:00 to 17:30 UTC has deteriorated in recent months.

Our partners from the SpaceLine radio station (Kostinbrod, Bulgaria) suggested that we switch to the frequency 9790 kHz at the same time from July 1 until the end of the summer broadcast season.

Therefore, starting on July 1, a half-hour program of the Russian MRI Service will be broadcast on a frequency of 9790 kHz from 17:00 to 17:30 UTC. We are waiting for your reports on audibility at the new frequency!"
(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1296 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 30)

Monday, July 01, 2024

Radio Taiwan slated for upcoming German test broadcast


Radio Taiwan International will conduct a German test broadcast. The test will be from the Tamsui transmitter in northern Taiwan.

The broadcast will be ten minutes on Saturday, July 6, 2024. RTI welcomes your monitoring and you may report your observations to RTI  [email protected]

Two frequencies will be selected for the direct broadcast half an hour on one frequency from 1700-1730; and half an hour on the second frequency from 1730-1800.

All times UTC
Saturday, July 6, 2024
1700-1710  11995
1730-1740  9545
1745-1755  7250

Following the testing, RTI broadcast as:
July 12-14
July 19-21
July 26-28
August 2-4

QSLing Radio Vanuatu


Manuel Méndez of Lugo, Spain, recently reported hearing Radio Vanuatu on 9660 kHz. He has reported receiving a QSL in three days! Reception report sent to: [email protected]

Update on LRA 36 Antarctica


Whatsapp from Adrian Korol, RAE Director:

Google translation from Spanish:

LRA 36 will carry out a special test transmission this week.
It will be on Friday, July 5 between 0100 and 0400 UTC at 15476 usb.

Likewise, on Thursday, July 4, between 1800 and 2000 UTC, the usual transmission will take place.

Any report of reception and registration of the aforementioned transmissions is especially appreciated, as well as the dissemination of this information among radio amateurs, DXers and radio listeners.

"LRA 36 realizará esta semana una transmisión especial de prueba.
Será el viernes 5 de julio entrel as 0100 y las 0400 UTC en 15476 usb.

Asímismo el jueves 4 de julio, entre las 1800 y las 2000 UTC se realizará la emisión habitual.

Se agradece especialmente todo reporte de recepción y registro de las transmisiones mencionadas, así como la difisuión de esta información entre radioaficionados, diexistas y radioescuchas."
(Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain/BDXC/NASWA)

Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins


Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins

Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
:Issued: 2024 Jul 01 0220 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
#                Weekly Highlights and Forecasts
Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 24 - 30 June 2024

Solar activity reached moderate levels on 24-25 Jun. The largest flare was an M1.8 flare from Region 3712 (S26 L=170, class/area=Eao/220) at 24/0417 UTC. Other M1 flares were observed from Regions 3713 (S14 L=153, class/area=Ekc/360), 3720 (S06 L=54,
class/area=Dai/150), and 3723 (S19 L=08, class/area=Fai/210). Solar activity was at low levels for 26-30 Jun, with only C-class flares observed. Other notable activity included an approximately 35 degree filament erupted late on 24 Jun, centered near S19W58. 

No proton events were observed at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal to moderate levels. 

Geomagnetic field activity was reached G4 (Severe) storm levels on 28 Jun due to the arrival of a CME that lifted off the Sun on 24 Jun. Total field strengeth reached 30 nT and the Bz component reached -22 nT. Solar wind speeds increased steadily from near 300
km/s to approximately 490 km/s. Active levels were reached early on 29 Jun due to continued CME influences. Quiet to unsettled levels were observed on 24-27 Jun, and 30 Jun. 

Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 01 July - 27 July 2024

Solar activity is expected to be low levels, with occasional M-class flares for the duration of the period. 

No proton events are expected at geosynchronous orbit.

The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at moderate levels from 01-27 Jul. 

Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at unsettled to active levels on 01-03 Jul due to possible glancing influences from multiple CMEs. Unsettled to active levels are expected on 14-16 Jul due to influence from a recurrent, positive polarity coronal hole
high speed stream (CH HSS). Quiet to unsettled levels are expected on 05-13 Jul and 17-27 Jul. 

Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2024 Jul 01 0220 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
#      27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
#                Issued 2024-07-01
#   UTC      Radio Flux   Planetary   Largest
#  Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index
2024 Jul 01     180          15          5
2024 Jul 02     180          12          4
2024 Jul 03     175          12          4
2024 Jul 04     170          10          3
2024 Jul 05     170           5          2
2024 Jul 06     170           5          2
2024 Jul 07     170           5          2
2024 Jul 08     170           5          2
2024 Jul 09     170           5          2
2024 Jul 10     170           5          2
2024 Jul 11     170           5          2
2024 Jul 12     170           5          2
2024 Jul 13     170           5          2
2024 Jul 14     180          10          3
2024 Jul 15     175          10          3
2024 Jul 16     175           8          3
2024 Jul 17     175           5          2
2024 Jul 18     180           5          2
2024 Jul 19     180           5          2
2024 Jul 20     180          10          3
2024 Jul 21     180           8          3
2024 Jul 22     185           5          2
2024 Jul 23     180           5          2
2024 Jul 24     180           5          2
2024 Jul 25     180           5          2
2024 Jul 26     180           5          2
2024 Jul 27     180           5          2

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Music Programs on Shortwave, version 3 update

An updated version (v3) of my "Music Programmes on Shortwave" PDF file for current A-24 broadcast season is now available to download from the permanent link at:

I hope that you find it of interest.

As always, I appreciate any updates or corrections.
(Alan Roe, Teddington, UK/BDX

Weekend Best of the Best DX Media Programs


Teak's Best of the Best Wekend DX Media Programs 

This is our selected DX Media weekend programs.  Tune in for the latest amateur radio, computer, shortwave news, propagation, satellites, music, receiver reviews and mailbag programs, from stations across the globe.

Program times or frequencies may vary slightly (listed as v.). Frequencies may be adjusted at the discretion of the station.  Schedules and frequencies were current at posting.

This is not a complete list of every media program, but represents what is Best of the Best programs to enhance your listening.

All times UTC

0000 WBCQ Allan & Angela Worldwide: 3265-irr 5130 6160 7490
0030 WRMI AWR Wavescan 9395
0230 WINB Kim Elliott's Shortwave Guide 9265
0530 WRMI AWR Wavescan 7780
0800 WRMI Viva Miami 5010 5850
1045 WRMI Viva Miami 9955
1100 WRMI Viva Miami 15770
1115 WRMI AWR Wavescan 15770
1140 Radio Romania Int DX Mailbag 17630 17670
1230 WRMI AWR Wavescan 5850
1300 WRMI AWR Wavescan 9955 15770
1400 Shortwave Radio Radio CQ Serenade 6160
1700 Shortwave Radio CQ Serenade 3975 6160
1740 Radio Romania Int DX Mailbag 13750DRM 
2015 WRMI AWR Wavescan 7730
2115 WRMI Viva Miami 15770
2240 Radio Romania Int DX Mailbag 9790 11800
2300 WRMI Kim Elliott's SW Radiogram 7570 (digital)
2315 WRMI Viva Miami 9395

0000 WRMI AWR Wavescan 7780
0040 Radio Romania Int DX Mailbag 11620
0100 WBCQ Shortwave Saturday Night 7490v
0215 WRMI CQ Calling 5800
0300 WWCR Ask WWCR 4840
0315 WWCR Bob Padula's Australian DX Report 4840
0330 WRMI AWR Wavescan 7780
0330 WWCR AWR Wavescan 4840 
0340 Radio Romania Int DX Mailbag 9740 15330DRM
0430 WRMI AWR Wavescan 15770
0450 BBCWS Over to You 12095
0815 WRMI Viva Miami 5850
0930 WRMI AWR Wavescan 9455
0945 WWCR Nashville Ask WWCR 4840
1045 WRMI Viva Miami 5850
1115        WRMI Viva Miami 9955
1140 Radio Romania Int Listeners Letterbox 17630 17670
1230 Radio Slovakia Int Listeners Tribune 6005
1245 WRMI Viva Miami 9955
1330 WRMI AWR Wavescan 9955
1430 WRMI Kim Elliott's Shortwave Radiogram 9955 (digital)
1500 KTWR Guam DXers Diary 15390DRM
1500 Radio Slovakia Int Listeners Tribune 6005
1530 Adventist World R Wavescan 12060
1550 IRIB/VIRI Iran Listeners Special 11640
1630 WRMI Viva Miami 15770
1730 Radio Slovakia Int Listeners Tribune 3985
1740 Radio Romania Int Listeners Letterbox 1375DRM
1800 Voice of Hope Zambia AWR Wavescan 4965 
1925v Radio Habana Cuba Mailbag 15140
1950 IRIB/VIRI Iran Listeners Special 9835
2030 WRMI “Viva Miami”: 7730
2100 Shortwave Radio CQ Serenade 3975 6160
2200 KDSA Guam AWR Wavescan 12040
2230 WRMI AWR Wavescan 9955 15770
2240 Radio Romania Int Listeners Letterbox 9790 11800
2300 WRMI AWR Wavescan 7570 
2330 WRMI Hobart Radio Int 7570

Friday, June 28, 2024

Propagation Update from the U.K.


GB2RS News Team | June 28, 2024
We had another lucky week with quite a high solar flux index, low Kp geomagnetic numbers, few solar flares and no coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, of note. In fact, you couldn’t ask for better!

But is that all about to change? With nine active solar regions on the Sun’s surface and the return of old region 3664, now renamed 3723, it would be a brave person to suggest otherwise. So, let’s take a closer look at the Sun. Of the nine active regions that are visible, four are classed as stable, one is classed as declining and four are classed as growing.

With a solar flux index of 181, there is plenty of UV radiation around. However, we are currently in the summer doldrums so maximum useable frequencies, or MUFs, are lower than they are in the Autumn and Winter. In other words, we are not going to see a return to reliable worldwide DX conditions on the higher bands until mid to late September.

There is currently only a 5% chance of a strong X-class solar flare, although a bright coronal mass ejection was observed for a second day off the Sun’s west limb. This was directed away from our planet so shouldn’t affect us.

NOAA predicts that the Kp index could rise due to CME arrivals from an event that left the Sun on the 24 June. Expect a Kp of 4 or 5, with a reduction in the MUF until the geomagnetic disruption abates. It also predicts that the solar flux index will remain in the region of 190, hopefully with a low Kp index after the ionosphere settles again.

MUFs over a 3,000km path are generally between 18 and 23MHz during daylight and around 18MHz at night. This means that for the next month or so we may expect 14MHz to remain open throughout the night. VHF and up :

The current week finishes with a return to unsettled weather and cooler air, after a brief taste of summer, particularly in the south of Britain.

There will be lows drifting in from the Atlantic during the coming week, as well as the occasional passing weather front. Although there was some Tropo last week, during the brief period of high pressure, this is unlikely to be repeated in the coming week.

Therefore, we have a continuing random chance of some rain scatter, but you will need one of the many online weather radar displays to track the scatter regions down. Since next week also looks windier, you might have to keep one hand on the rotator!

Meteor scatter is once again down to random events, which means an early start in the shack to capture the higher rates in the early mornings. The solar conditions continue to keep trying to creep into VHF affairs with a higher Kp index and thoughts of radio aurora, but it’s probably not a strong shout.
Now to our last item – Sporadic-E. There is still the broad summer Sporadic-E peak, which extends into the first week of September in a good year, so you have plenty of time. 

It will not always be there but, in a test analysis of Dourbes data in June 2022, 84% of the days reached 10m, with 18% up to 6m and around 10% to 4m or above. This makes it worth using the 10m band to highlight the regions of activity and then check the 6m beacons in case it strengthens to bring in the higher bands.

Moon declination goes positive again this coming weekend so Moon peak elevation and window lengths will increase. Perigee was on Thursday 27 June so EME path losses are increasing again. 144MHz sky noise is low at the start of the coming week and moderate later. From Friday afternoon on the 5 July to midday on Saturday, the Moon and the Sun are very close in the sky, meaning high noise for all but the narrowest beamwidth antennas.

(Mike Terry/BDXC)

Weekend broadcast from Radio Delta

18:00-20:00 UTC Pure Dutch with DJ Hitti
20:00-22:00 UTC 5 Decades of Music
We take you on a musical journey with "5 Decades of Music", where every song tells a story. Get ready to dive deep into the archives as we unveil every hour the secrets behind two iconic tracks in "Record and its Story". Discover the magic behind the melodies.

“Listen to our radio station on the 6.170 kHz shortwave frequency in the evenings. We’ve tested it extensively and received great feedback from around the world.
Catch us on weekends from 18.00 UTC until autumn.”

Classical music from Radio Tumbril


Regular Broadcast times of Encore By WRMI and Channel 292 are:
02:00 - 03:00 UTC Friday 5850 kHz WRMI to US
20:00 - 21:00 UTC Friday 15770 kHz WRMI to Europe
10:00 - 11:00 UTC Saturday 9670 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
01:00 - 02:00 UTC Sunday 5850 kHz WRMI to US and Canada
19:00 - 20:00 UTC Sunday 3955 kHz Channel 292 to Europe
02:00 - 03:00 UTC Monday 5950 kHz WRMI to the US and Canada
13:00 - 14:00 UTC Tuesday 15770 kHz WRMI to Europe, east coast of US and Iceland. (Sometimes RTTY on the lower sideband. Suggest notch out or use USB.)
Some Things to see on The Encore Website:
The Encore website is where you will find:
Important information about funding of Encore - Radio Tumbril.
Up to date transmission times and frequencies.
The playlists for the most recent programmes.
An email link.
Informal reception reports as well as those requesting eQSL cards are welcome.
WRMI and Channel 292 are very generous with their air-time but Encore still costs around 100 Dollars/Euros a month to broadcast.
If you can - please send a small contribution to help Encore keep going.
THE DONATION BUTTON AND 'BUY ME A COFFEE' BUTTON are on the homepage of the website - - which folks can use if they would like to support Encore.
(Please don't be put off by the POWR security wall when using the PAYPAL button - it is a harmless requirement of WIX the website hosting service.)
THIS FORTNIGHT'S PROGRAMME - (First broadcast this FRIDAY 28th June) by WRMI at 0200 UTC on 5850, (and 2000 UTC on 15770) and then Channel 292 on SATURDAY (29th June) at 10:00 UTC on 9670 kHz):
Starts with Spring Morning by Lili Boulanger, some Corelli, and part of a wind Quintet By Carl Nielsen.
After that, two movements from Schubert's String Quartet No. 14 - Death and the Maiden, and a poem by Edmund Waller arranged for voices by Eric Whitacre.
The programme ends with The Carnival of Venice by Paganini - violin soloist Joshua Bell.
A very good site for online SDR receivers all over the world is:  Click the 'Map' button in the top left of the screen.
Thank you for spreading the word about Encore - Classical Music on Shortwave on Radio Tumbril - and thank you for your support.
Brice Avery - Encore - Radio Tumbril -

WRMI - Summer A24 schedule update - effective 01 July 2024


The current summer color grid which includes programming information is available at: 

All times UTC

0000-0100  5010ca  5050la  5800la  5850na  5950na  7570na  9455na  15770eu   
0100-0200  5050la  5800la  5950na  7570na  7730na  7780ca  9455na  15770eu  
0200-0300  5010ca  5050la  5800la  5950na  7570na  7780ca  9955sa  15770eu
0300-0400  5010ca  5050la  5800la  5850na  5950na  7570na  9455na  9395na  9955sa  15770eu
0400-0500  5010ca  5850na  7730na  7780ca  9395na  9455na  9955sa  15770eu
0500-0600  5010ca  5850na  7730na  9395na  9455na  9955sa  15770eu  
0600-0700  5010ca  5850na  7730na  9395na  9455na  9955sa  15770eu
0700-0800  5010ca  5850na  7730na  9395na  9455na  9955sa  15770eu
0800-0900  5010c   7730la  7780ca  9395na  9955sa  15770eu
0900-1000  5010ca  5850na  7730na  7780ca  9395na  9955sa  15770eu
1000-1100  5010ca  7730na  7780ca  9395na  9455na  9955sa  15770eu
1100-1200  5010ca  5850na  7730na  7780ca  9395na  9455na
1200-1300  5010ca  7730na  7780ca  9395na  9455na  15770eu  
1300-1400  5010ca  5850na  5950na  7730na  7780ca  9395na  9455na
1400-1500  5010ca  5850na  7730na  7780ca  9305na  9455na  9955sa  15770eu  17790la
1500-1600  7730na  9395na  9455na  9955sa  17790la
1600-1700  7730na  9395na  9455na  17790la
1700-1800  7730na  9395na  9455na  17790la
1800-1900  7730na  9395na  9455na  17790la
1900-2000  7730na  9395na  9455na  17790la
2000-2100  9395na  9455na  17790la
2100-2200  5950na  7730na  9455na
2200-2300  5850na  5950na  7730na  9455na  15770eu
2300-0000  5800la  5850ca  5950na  7570na  7730na  9455na  15770eu

Target Areas:
ca  Central America
eu  Europe
la  Latin America
na  North America
sa  South America

Reception Reports: i[email protected] (or post online at the website)

Shortwave Radiogram, Program 360


Hello friends,

From last week's show, we had several examples of successful decodes of the simultaneous MFSK32 text and image. Most of us decoded using the Fldigi software, but David RC in Spain succeeded using MultiPSK. See his results at the bottom of this email/post.

This week we will return to one stream at a time, but future experiments with simultaneous streams are possible.

If you missed last week's simultaneous MFSK32 text/image experiment, a video of program 359 is provided by Scott in Ontario (Wednesday 1330 UTC). The audio archive is maintained by Mark in the UK. And I uploaded studio audio here. The analysis is provided by Roger in Germany. Instructions for decoding are here.

Here is the lineup for Shortwave Radiogram, program 360, 27 June-3 July 20 2024 in MFSK modes as noted:

 1:42  MFSK32: Program preview
 2:50  MFSK32: Balloon flights to the edge of outer space*
 8:49  MFSK64: Researchers develop light-harvesting system
11:44  MFSK64: This week's images*
27:59  MFSK32: Closing announcements

Please send reception reports to [email protected]

And visit 

(visit during the weekend to see listeners’ results)
Other Shortwave broadcast programs that include digital text and images include The Mighty KBC, Pop Shop Radio and Radio North Europe International (RNEI). Links to these fine broadcasts, with schedules, are posted here.
Thanks for your reception reports!


Kim Andrew Elliott, KD9XB
Producer and Presenter
Shortwave Radiogram
Reporting on international broadcasting at

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Product Announcement-DXtreme Monitor Log 14

 Product Announcement
DXtreme Monitor Log 14™
DXtreme Software™ has released a new version of its popular logging program for radio and TV monitoring enthusiasts: DXtreme Monitor Log 14. Its familiar, uncluttered, industry-standard Windows® interface lets listeners and DXers log the stations they’ve heard using features that enhance their monitoring enjoyment.

Shortwave Logging

New Features in Version 14
Signal Modes, Transmission Modes, Grid Square Tracking
We added a Signal Modes field to let users specify the signal mode their receiver is tuned to (for example, AM, CW, FM, LSB, USB, RTTY, etc.) plus a Transmission Modes field to let users specify the transmission mode the station is transmitting (for example, CW, FAX, FT8, HFDL, MIL-STD-188-141A, SSB, STANAG 4285, etc.). And we added Signal and Transmission Mode modules to let users maintain tables of signal and transmission modes.
We added a Transmission Mode Details box to allow users to type free-form information about the transmission mode received, such as baud rate, bandwidth, etc. (for example, 1200bps/L). New Log Variables enable users to share Signal, Transmission, and Detail mode information so readers (and users) can reproduce the monitoring environment and log (or relog) the stations. Here are two examples: “1200bps/L STANAG 4285 crypto tfc on USB” and “MIL-188-110A/B continuous mode idle on LSB.”
We added support for tracking Maidenhead grid squares, which is useful when monitoring/logging stations not located in traditional countries, like aircraft and ships operating in international airspace and waters. Grid squares are calculated from specified latitudes and longitudes. Both Performance and Stations reports let you track grids. Search functions let you find log entries for viewing or editing based on their grid squares.
Verification By Improv Imaging
Similar to the legacy Verification By Audio feature, where the presence of an audio file in a log entry designates the station as "Verified By Audio," we added a Verification By Improv Imaging feature which counts the station as "Verified By Improv Image" if the Shows ID check box on the Improv Imaging tab is selected, indicating the presence of an ID on the window of a captured digital software application (such as PC-HFDL). Performance, Stations, and Log Entries reports let you track verifications by traditional QSLs, presence of Audio files, and presence of Improv Images for which the Shows ID check box is selected.
Schedule Checker Monitoring Advice and Tuning
When Schedule Checker advises users to monitor a station for a new or verified Country, it does so now for the Class (SWBC, Ute, Ham, etc.) and QSL Type (Verified By QSL, Audio, or Improv Image) selected in Properties. The foreground and background colors that indicate the Schedule Checker’s monitoring advice can be defined by users in Properties. The colors appear in an upgraded legend on the Schedule Checker.
Users can now tune their radios to the schedule item's signal mode and frequency by selecting the desired signal mode in the Signal Mode list box and double-clicking the schedule item.
Solar Indices Enhancements
Acquisition of current solar indices has been improved on the Monitor Log and Schedule Checker windows.
Editing of solar indices has been added to the Monitor Log window for when NOAA is down.
We restored historic solar indices adjustments based on date and time changes made on the Monitor Log window provided users have downloaded historic solar indices from the NOAA FTP site into the Solar subfolder. An interface is provided on the Edit menu of the Monitor Log window for this FTP activity.
For more information about New Features, click 
Standard Features

Utility Logging
Logging Stations
Monitor Log 14 lets users log all kinds of stations: radio, television, broadcast, utility, Amateur Radio, military, etc. across the radio spectrum.
Finding Stations to Monitor
The Schedule Checker lets users import schedules from Aoki, EiBi, and FCC AM web sites and display broadcast schedule data according to the filter criteria they specify. Users can filter schedule information by band, frequency, station, country, time of day, language, and more. EiBi schedules also include utility stations.
For each schedule item, Schedule Checker queries the Monitor Log 14 database to let users know – through user-defined, foreground and background display colors – whether they need to monitor a station for a brand-new or verified country. The colors appear in a legend on the Schedule Checker window. When Schedule Checker advises users to monitor a station for a new or verified Country, it does so for the Class (SWBC, Ute, Ham, etc.) and QSL Type (Verified By QSL, Audio, or Improv Image) selected in Properties.
Reporting Reception
Users can create customized paper and e-mail reception reports for sending to stations plus log entry data shares for reporting catches to clubs and magazines. Using the Script Editor window, users can create and edit scripts that format reception reports, eReports, and shares to their liking. The software prompts users to select the script they want to use. Dozens of scripts come with Monitor Log 14. Users can also send eQSL requests to hams automatically via the popular site and update their databases with downloaded Inbox records.
Improv Imaging lets users associate ad hoc images with log entries using Capture, Scan, and Clipboard functions. Captures of stations received on digital applications, waterfall displays, facsimile and Amateur TV pictures are popular. The Improv Imaging tab and Application let users view images anytime, and an Improv Image Explorer lets them peruse their entire collection and display associated log entries. A QSL Imaging facility functions the same as Improv Imaging for associating QSLs.
Other Features
Rig Control — Retrieves the frequency and mode from supported radios and permits tuning from the Schedule Checker and Direct Tune. Rig control is provided through integration with Afreet Omni-Rig ( and CAT for SDR applications like SDR Console ( and SDRuno
Audio Archiving — Lets users maintain an audio archive of stations heard.
Reporting and Searching — Produces Performance, Stations, and Log Entry reports that track the performance and progress of the user’s monitoring station and provides criteria-based log entry searches.
Documentation — Context-sensitive Procedural Help, Field Help, and Microhelp are accessible on every window to provide instructions quickly. Installation Instructions and a Getting Started Guide also included.
Supported Operating Systems, Pricing, Contact Information
DXtreme Monitor Log 14 runs in 32- and 64-bit versions of Microsoft® Windows® 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista® XP. Retails for $94.99 USD for Internet distribution (discounted pricing for upgrades available). Product support by Internet e-mail. For more info, visit or write [email protected].

Schedule for Alexanderson Day, June 30


The Alexander Association welcomes all visitors to the Alexanderson Day, Sunday, June 30th, 2024,

The Alexander Association  in Sweden is celebrating Alexanderson Day   on June 30th 2024 with CW transmissions on 17.2 kHz utilizing the SAQ radio transmitter that was first used in 1924. At that time the transmitter was used to transmit across the Atlantic Ocean to Long Island, NY, USA.

Messages are scheduled to be transmitted at 09:00 UTC and 12:00 UTC on June 30th. If you can't hear the transmissions over the air, the event can be viewed live on YouTube:

Test transmissions may take place on June 28th [between 1100-1400 UTC]. QSL reports will be accepted. An amateur radio station, SK6SAQ, will also be on the air to mark the event.

More information can be found on the Alexanderson Day webpage:

Source: The Alexander association via Amateur Radio Daily, 18 June 

Together with the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station, we will offer many activities, for the whole family, during the day.The unique Alexanderson alternator from 1924, with the call sign SAQ, is scheduled for two transmissions over the antenna on VLF 17.2 kHz CW.

Almost a hundred years ago, on December 1st, 1924, the long wave transmitter at Grimeton Radio Station, with the call sign SAQ, was put into commercial operation, with transmissions across the Atlantic ocean, to the receiving station in Riverhead and with the replying transmitter station in Rocky Point, both on Long Island, NY, USA. While all the other transmitting and receiving stations in the RCA network since long are gone, SAQ has been preserved as a World Heritage Site and, amazingly, SAQ is still operational. The design and manufacturing of such a robust and reliable radio transmitter was a monumental achievement by the Swedish-born inventor Ernst F.W. Alexanderson. Thank you Ernst!

Test Transmissions
There may be some test transmissions, preliminary on June 28th between
13:00 – 16:00 CEST.
During the tests, SAQ will be on air shorter periods of time, when we will be carrying out some tests and measurements.Your comments are welcome [email protected].

QSL Reports to SAQ QSL reports to SAQ are most welcome and appreciated!

We can not guarantee that reports by Email / mail / bureau will be confirmed.The online form will be open from June 30th until July 26th, 2024.Amateur Radio Station SK6SAQ. The Amateur Radio Station with the call “SK6SAQ” will be QRV during the day on the following frequencies:–
3 517.2kHz CW– 7 017.2kHz CW– 14 017.2KHz CW– 3 755 kHz SSB– 7 140 kHz SSBQSL-reports to SK6SAQ (NOT SAQ) are kindly received via:- Email to
[email protected]- or via: SM bureau- or direct by postal mail (link to address here) Two stations will be on the air most of the time.

Visiting World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station

In addition to these program items, lots of other activities are offered throughout the day, including:–The exhibition, where you can test your Morse skills, among other things.–The control, an obstacle course for all climbers, where there are different tasks to solve.–Signals intelligence, puts your Morse skills to the test. What is the secret message?–Kjells café, with good coffee.–Food galley, with freshly fried, hand-crafted Churros, inspired by radio stations from all corners of the World.–The radio shop, the World Heritage well-stocked souvenir shop.
Please see www. for complete visitor information.

Not a member yet ? Then it’s time to join the Alexander team!We welcome you as a member of the Alexander SAQ Grimeton Friendship Association, to support our non-profit activities in preserving, documenting and bringing to life the unique Alexanderson alternator from 1924.As a member You get a 10% discount on World Heritage Grimeton’s shop and café (not ice cream), and free admission to Alexander's evening displays and to the Alexanderson Day, upon presentation of your membership card.Four times per year, you will receive our online magazine “Alternatorn”, exclusively available only to our members.

Members also get access to our on-line library with lots of unique historical documents about SAQ and the Alexanderson alternator. Membership costs SEK 125 / year.

Rescheduled: Pop Shop Radio Directional Antenna Test from Channel 292


The pneumatic mast issue at C292 has been resolved, so I have arranged for the directional antenna test to take place this week. It will be at 2200 UT on 9670 kHz on Sunday 30 June across Asia toward Australia, which should give it a darkness path for the most part, although it will be 8 AM Monday morning in Melbourne.

This is to be simulcast on 6070 non-directional for Europe. The program will be the Top 15 chart countdown from 1050 CHUM Toronto from 1 July 1974.

Reports from Asia are most welcome,

Tony Pavick
Pop Shop Radio
Hope BC Canada

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Broadcasting in Russian Handbook releases 36th Edition

 A reminder of the recently released issue of Broadcasting in Russian 2024


The 36th edition of the Broadcasting in Russian Handbook by the St. Petersburg DX Club has been recently published.

It is the most comprehensive guide to broadcasts in Russian on long, medium and short waves. Information presented in the issue is valid mainly until the end of October 2024 (during A24 broadcasting season).The handbook consists of four parts.

1. GENERAL INFORMATION. This section includes a list of abbreviations and special terms used in this publication, a list of media - foreign agents and blocked by ROSKOMNADZOR (Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Media), as well as a list of changes in the Russian-language broadcasting that have occurred since the publication of the previous issue.

2. AIR BROADCASTING. Station listings in this section include frequency and programme schedules, transmitter location and power, target areas, postal addresses, phone/fax numbers, Web sites, social network pages, e-mail addresses as well as QSL policies of the stations (totally 51 stations from 33 countries and territories of the world).

3. The INTERNET BROADCASTING section contains the same information as in the previous one, but for Internet radio stations of state broadcasting, as well as stations that were earlier broadcast on the air in AM bands, and currently are on the Internet (totally 22 stations from 19 countries and territories of the world).

4. HISTORY OF BROADCASTING. In this historical section the article of Trans World Radio's history is continued.

The Handbook is exclusively in Russian, its volume is 72 pages of A5 size. The price is either 11 USD or 10 EUR for a hard copy (including delivery by registered mail) or 4 USD or 3 EUR for .pdf version by e-mail. Payments are to be made ONLY via PayPal.

Please address your purchase requests and questions to St. Petersburg
DX Club by e-mail to two sources at:

(Pay Pal not accepted) 
(Alexander Beryozkin, St.Petersburg DX Club, Russia
RUSdx #1292 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews June 2)
WWDXC Top News 1582/12 Jun 2024)

Germany's Shortwave Radio shifts to summer schedule


Hi SWR fans, as of 21st of June we will reduce broadcasting times. Summer is present, and we are on our holidays. Daytime attenuation on shortwave bands is rather high, so we switch into summer mode as follows:

The following schedule will be active for the next two months

6160 kHz: 15:00 to 22:00 UTC (17:00 to 00:00 CEST) - Monday until Friday

6160 kHz: 14:00 to 22:00 UTC (16:00 to 00:00 CEST) - on Saturday

6160 kHz: 07:00 to 22:00 UTC (09:00 to 00:00 CEST) - Sundays

3975 kHz: 17:00 to 00:00 UTC (19:00 to 02:00 CEST) - daily

Status of LRA36 from Antarctica


"LRA 36 appears to have remained out of the air since June 1, despite the fact that last week they had announced that they would be emitting again after repairing the antenna broken due to bad weather.
Now they announce, via WhatsApp "that due to weather issues, we will not be able to put on air our program on shortwave until further notice."
(Manuel Méndez/BDXC)